Mental Health Survey

We would like to find out whether there are groups of people in our communities who need or have needed to support to feel OK but have not reached out. We need to understand how people have dealt with things, what they’ve done.

If people have reached out for support we need to know who/which organisations they have reached out to and how that went – what their journey was, whether it helped, what else would have made a difference.
How are you today?
Your mental health is as important as your physical health.

You will not be wasting anyone's time

If you or someone else is in danger, call 999 or go to A&E now
If you need help urgently for your mental health, but it's not an emergency, get help from NHS 111 online or call 

Have any of the following situations had a bad impact on you in the last year?
Below are some statements about feelings and thoughts. Please tick the box that best describes your experience of each over the last 2 weeks (tick one per row).
None of the time
Some of the time
All of the time
I've been feeling optimistic about the future
I've been feeling useful
I've been feeling relaxed
I've been dealing with problems well
I've been thinking clearly
I've been feeling close to other people
None of the time
Some of the time
All of the time
I've been able to make up my own mind about things
I've been feeling satisfied with my life
I feel I can ask people for help 
I feel satisfied with my friendships
I feel satisfied with my relationships
If you felt low for a long time, who would you seek help and advice from?
You said you would seek help and advice from an 'other health care professional'. Please let us know what this would look like:
Have you ever needed to improve your mental wellbeing?